My Why

I love the feel of running and the feeling of being fit.
I love the calmness and competence that comes during a run.

Races push me a little out of my mental comfort zone, and that’s the birthplace for personal growth.
Races give me a chance to practice non-judgement and non-attachment.
Races give me an opportunity to explore putting together all the things I've worked on.

100-milers are a venue for a year of therapy in 24 hours, where I can touch the essence of me.
100-milers require the abandonment of clinging and unskillful thinking.

Ultra-marathons are playgrounds to celebrate my hard work and preparation while accepting things as they are and as they come.
Ultra-marathons are chances to work on executing a plan, for which I’ve practiced and prepared. I strive to make them go smoothly, not by having them go to plan but by being non-reactive when things go wrong.

Mastery is expressed in switching quickly, fluidly, and non-emotionally to plan B when plan A isn’t working.

Mind, Think, Craft, BodyShawn Bearden